Henry's Elfin
One of my favorite butterflies. Not bright and showy, but dark and fast flying. Why do I like them? Because they are one of the earliest hatching butterflies in the Ft. Worth area. We always start looking for them when the redbud trees start to bloom.

A very cool and calm bird.
Snowy Egret

Great Egret

And finally some flowers
Evening Primroses (Pink)

Be sure to click on the photos for full page views (only ~75KB).
Troy and Martha
ABC Wednesday Round 3 is here.
Never before have I seen so many snails in one place. Do egrets eat snails? If yes, this bird has arrived at an "all you can eat" buffet!
The primroses (and butterfly) are beautiful.
Wonderful images - and oh my - these snails!!! That's astonishing!
Cheers, Klaus
Creative and diverse "E!" And the pictures are fabulous. And the snails??? Well, I'm glad they are at a distance. I shudder even typing about them.
Diverse is a great word!! Great post.
Great images...Egret's are such beautiful and graceful birds...nice job
The photos are as always 1. class, but when I read "Elfins", I did a mental short-cut to Tolkien and the Elves and Elvish.
I hope someone has chosen such an E.
Terrific choices for the letter E. Mine will go up tonight.
Sorry I'm trying the word verification for a while and if that doesn't cure the spammers I will go to modifacation too.
Isn't it crazy that we even have to do what will irritate the ones we want to please?
egrets are like little giants on stilts - thanks for sharing them with us!
Great shots!!! I'm speechless...
Wonderful photos! The egret's photos are just gorgeous!
Great choices and shots for E. The Egrets are fabulous and I'm a sucker for any pink flower...
wow!Troy and Martha,
How are you doing my friends?
This are great shots, mostly I do/did not know the english names for elfins(had some shots) otherwise.... I Love the elfins and Egrets of today welldone!
Greetings from, JoAnn's-D-Eyes,
Your butterfly pictures are wonderful....isn't it well camouflaged! Egrets are such graceful flyers I reckon.
great series of pictures. I love the yellow shoes.
Oh my, I think we have some evening primrose in our garden!
That snowy egret is lovely.
All wonderful 'e's' but I like the red buds best of all!
Too cold here (but spring cometh) for butterflies.
Wow, that egret sure won't go hungry! Lovely photos and enjoyed my visit. :D
All these are great pictures...never heard of the Elfin before so I must look that up..
For sheer beauty, I choose your third picture. HOW do you get such miraculously precise focus on your images?
Oh I love the egrets and primroses pictures! so wonderful!
My E picture is now posted, too! You can check it out HERE if you have the time. Thanks!
I do love those egrets and your description of them!
Great photos, I tried to get a good shot this week of an egret but failed, yours are wonderful.
Yes when the Great Egret photo is enlarged you can see many snails.
Wonderful photos and good choices for the letter E for ABC Wednesday.
Bear((( )))
super E collection!
Check out my Engine here
Great pictures, and wonderful choices for the letter E.
Love the Egret's yellow 'shoes'!!
Bodge's Bulletin
What a beautiful series of pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Lovely photos; especially the close-ups of the elfins.
So many beautiful photoes.I love the egret.
The Elfin is beautiful and perhaps one day I'll see a real one. Before choosing an Eagle for my E post I had looked through the indexes of my bird guide and butterfly guides and found Elfins and Egrets. I almost decided on Egrets then chose Eagle instead. Your Egrets are lovely! Happy Wednesday!
Troy: Wonderful captures, you have outdone yourself today.
We see a lot of those egrets here in San Pablo bay, just north of San Francisco... Difficult to get too close to...
not seen many butterflies this year - never seen an egret but then I wouldn't expect to - seen herons though.
Beautiful photography as usual. Thanks for all the nature lessons. Pappy
Great E's. I think that Egrets are such majestic bird.
I love the little Egrets, such elegant birds.
There's nothing quite like an egret...I love all the water birds...and primroses are so delicate and special...as special as that sparrow of a butterfly! Not especially showy, but lovely in her own way...David sent me by...
I had a great time visiting your blog and looking at those fantastic photographs.
Thank you for sharing
You get some excellent close ups and shots. The butterfly is magnificent.
Thank you for your comment on my E post. I was away and had no internet contact so I am catching up now.
Thank you for your indepth explanation of indigo and how it is classified. When I commented on your double rainbow post that you "forgot indigo" though, I was not cricising. I was simply pointing out that although I could see the indigo there, you had not mentioned it and I had assumed (wrongly it seems) that you had missed it out in error. (I often miss things out if I hurry when posting.)
I have only ever known the rainbow to have 7 colours. I can see 7 colours. I am fascinated that science would classify something in 6 colours when there are clearly 7. Indigo was always a thin line in the colour spectrum, but a discernible colour nonetheless. imho.
The information you gave me is fascinating - truly it is. But I will always see and name 7 colours in a rainbow. I do not need to be a retired physicist or similar in order to know what I see and recognise it. I respect your views and simply made an error of assumption that a colour had been missed. I won't accept that is was an error of knowledge that there are 6 colours because I see 7!
I am just an old fashioned kinda gal I guess. ;0)
I have posted this response in my own comments box also so there is some sense to this conversation!
Hei, nice photos! I really enjoyed looking at them =) Cheers!
Egrets would be welcome in my garden anytime. Always guaranteed a good helping of snails.
Thanks for being part of this great Wednesday project.
And here I thought elfins were elves. LOL Do egrets have regrets? Sorry I couldn't resist. I am on a funny roll today.
Such a beautiful site and amazing pictures. Thanks so much for sharing. I really enjoyed viewing them. Thanks for the nice comments on my site and stopping by for a visit. I always love meeting new blog friends. I've enjoyed your site so much I've added you to my blog roll. I hope you don't mind.
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