Double Rainbow
(Click on the photo to see the colors better)
Camped in British Columbia. Canada.
We had just pulled into our campsite after a rain shower.
The air was crisp and clean and the pines and firs smelled great.
Notice how strong and separated the colors are.
Starting from the bottom, the primary colors are:
violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
This photo is a poor reproduction of the scene.
We just stood there and drank in the scene for a long time.
For other SWF posts,
see Tom's new SkyWatch site here.

Camped in British Columbia. Canada.
We had just pulled into our campsite after a rain shower.
The air was crisp and clean and the pines and firs smelled great.
Notice how strong and separated the colors are.
Starting from the bottom, the primary colors are:
violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red
This photo is a poor reproduction of the scene.
We just stood there and drank in the scene for a long time.
For other SWF posts,
see Tom's new SkyWatch site here.
Troy and Martha
Nice shot, I looked back at your other photos and like them very much also. I can't wait to retire and travel like that.
Great rainbow image... I seen a double like that last week while at work, but no camera:( Great Job
That is a nice set of rainbows. Two pots of gold to the lucky finder.
Nice photography.
Rainbows are always a pleasure to watch, and especially when you get them both.
(It is also nice that you do not include the "invented" indigo)
Rainbows are always special, and double rainbows are extra special! shot. you are lucky capture that moment
My SWF : Up and Down Thanks
Just when I think you can't "wow" me anymore, you go and do it again. WOW! Nuff said.
That is an amazing rainbow. Great shot.
Troy, THIS IS MAGNIFICENT. I simply love rainbows, and you got a two-fer! Looks like you've got the weather today. Enjoy on my behalf, will ya? :D
I just love rainbows! This is a great shot.
wonderful picture!!
I guess you're not in the panhandle... They are getting hit hard today.
Oh, I knew that... sorry. I forgot. My brain fails me from time to time. I am way too young for that to start happening.
My weather is just south of me today.... on a Thursday, which is my busy day, so I can't even go after it. Yesterday's event will have to tide me over for a bit. :O)
Your pot of Gold, great shot.
Wonderful! Awesome Sky Watching!
I like how the rainbow lights up the trees as well!
I've been searching for rainbows to capture with my camera but they must all be out in British Columbia. LOL
I love catching a double rainbow, there is just something about them that makes me smile. Great job :)
Fabulous photo! The rainbow is just stunning! Well done!
Ah, the elusive double rainbow.. well at least here this year in British Columbia. It seems the weather is a tad toasty this summer... rain has eluded the forests for the last 42 days... we will be hitting 40 Celsius by the end of the weekend once more. Quite unusual for the area.
A beautiful photo...
Mountain Retreat
Oh My Goodness!!! How Beautiful it is!!! Well done!!!!
Wonderful photo! I love rainbows, we watch for them every time we have rain and a little sunshine.
"My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky."
--- Wordsworth
Lovely Sky Watch!
What a camp greeting and promise of good things to come. Hope you had fun.
Beautiful shot. Did you find two pots of gold?
Wow! Rainbows are always ah-inspiring. The colors in the bottom rainbow are just spectacular.
It may be a poor reproduction of what you actually saw, but it is an excellent rainbow picture. I can smell and feel the air!
Double rainbows are just fantastic, especially when you are able to see the whole of it, like in your picture. We once had a triple here once, out over the ocean & it seemed like everyone in town was out having a sticky-beak.
Oh Wow, I posted a double rainbow too!
Your's is awesome above the trees!
Great double rainbow!!
A single rainbow is often difficult enough to capture - but you scored a double!!
No doubt one for Martha and one for Troy!
Very nice. I almost did a rainbow this week. Mine would have only been a single. I always enjoy your skywatch contribution.
An amazing sight. Great capture.
I love rainbows and this is a fine example.
Wow that is a nice rainbow out there. Glad to see that. Happy SWF!
Excellent shot!
Very nice rainbows. What a beautiful moment to capture. Nice photo indeed.
Lovely rainbows capture!
Like most folks the world over I could not recall all the Rainbows I've seen... but one or two live in my memory for ever... I'm sure this view will stay in must have been great to stand there and see it in all it's true beauty...
Does that mean there are 2 pots of gold????
God's double exposure. Pappy
Great capture - excellent colors!!!
Really great picture! I love the colours and I know how good the earth smells after some rain!
Double rainbow means great luck, you know it?
Kind regards, Maria
Love this shot! reminds me of the one I took last week of our double rainbow we had last week. Love rainbows!
That's pretty cool - a double!
Extremely well defined (the strong one). Great job!
Cheers, Klaus
Troy: It's been a while without seeing a rainbow and you caught two beautifully.
Great catch of the double rainbow.
What a lucky shot. I love rainbows.
Beautiful rainbows! I love the altered light yo get inside the arc.
What a wonderful sight … and how nifty you were able to capture it to share! I once saw something like this myself when visiting Hawaii but nothing showed up in my photographs … so all I had was the memory. I understand why you drank it all in for a long time ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Wow! That's just gorgeous x 2.
I've only heard of the double rainbow, never seen one before, very cool, great image.
Great shot, rainbows are always lovely to look at.
I love rainbows and that one is fantastic.
I love all the colours and how uniformly it bends across the sky (btw you forgot indigo but it's easy done..)
Congrats on your POTD at David's too which is well deserved.
Sorry I'm late over - I am still chasing my tail trying to catch up. Thank you so much for your visits to mine.
Gotta love days like that, heh? "clean crisp air with the smell of the firs"....ah, love it.
Believe it or not, I have a fast connection today so was able to visit.....
fantastic view of B C in Canada, Impresseve too. I have never been there (not yet) happy SWF
JoAnn (still in France)
I condsider myself lucky to see ONE rainbow! I have never seen two before. Thanks for sharing this great find.
I condsider myself lucky to see ONE rainbow! I have never seen two before. Thanks for sharing this great find.
Best rainbow I've seen ever!! Beautiful! :)
Double the luck!! Rainbow pictures are fun to get aren't they? This is a beaut!
My Sky Watch Photos are posted Here and Here
oh how beautiful!!!
"Excuse me while I kiss the sky"
~ Jimi Hendrix
This is the 2nd day (August 14th) in just a week where my dad spotted a rainbow while driving eastward homebound on the Long Island Expressway. (He told me that the first time he saw a double rainbow was on August 8th.)
And this is in LONG ISLAND ("downstate" New York State). It's one thing to experience a double rainbow in one place but to hear that it happened on the SAME day at a very far away location is more than miraculous!!! ^-^ Thanks for posting this awesome photo! I will forward it to my dad now...!
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