My World Tuesday #1
Based in Ft. Worth, Texas
Today's Topic:
Where the Buffalo Roam and the Antelope Play
(Click on the photos for a full page view)
Plains Bison on the Prairie
5000 acre refuge of restored grasslands
Near Ft. Worth, "Where the West Begins"
Photo by Troy

Near Ft. Worth, "Where the West Begins"
Photo by Troy
Antelope Not at Play
Early Summer Morning Snack, Before the Heat of the Day
High Plains of West Texas
Photo by Martha

High Plains of West Texas
Photo by Martha
Over the coming months we will try to inform you of the many facets of our state,
from geography and geology to natural history,
with a special emphasis on photography of our state.
Please leave comments and tell us if you enjoy the post today,
and tell us if there is anything special you would like to see in the future.
from geography and geology to natural history,
with a special emphasis on photography of our state.
Please leave comments and tell us if you enjoy the post today,
and tell us if there is anything special you would like to see in the future.
Today: A few facts about Texas
Capital: Austin
Government: Bicameral Legislature
28th State to enter the Union:
Dec. 29, 1845
Present Constitution adopted: 1876
State motto: Friendship
Origin of name: Texas, or Tejas, was the Spanish pronunciation of a Caddo Indian word meaning "friends" or "allies."
Nickname: Texas is called the Lone Star State because of the design of the state flag: a broad vertical blue stripe at left centered by a single white star, and at right, horizontal bars of white (top) and red.

Population (Jan. 2006, State Data Center estimate) 23,507,783
Number of counties: 254
Number of incorporated cities: 1,208
The Natural Environment
Area (total): 268,581 sq. miles
Land area: 261,797 sq. miles
Water area: 6,784 sq. miles
Geographic center: About 15 miles northeast of Brady in northern McCulloch County.
Highest point: Guadalupe Peak (8,749 ft.) in Culberson County in far West Texas.
Lowest point: Gulf of Mexico (sea level).
For more information about the Natural Environment of Texas, Click here.

We hope you have enjoyed our small start of explaining and showing our small part of the world, and we look forward to your return. We sincerely hope you will bookmark us and return often.
Troy and Martha
Please visit "That's my World" for other great places of the Earth.

I love this post. Being a native Texan, I just can not get enough of it. I believe I live in the greatest state of the union. Thanks for the photos and the lesson (review, lol).
Interesting post. I would love to come to USA to see all the animals you have.
Yours is quite an informative post! Love it!
Congratulations for being the 1st poster on this new meme! :)
Wonderful informative Post - just what the doctor ordered!
Cheers, Klaus
P.S.: Please note for future MyWorld post, enter name and country, which seems appropriate for a "World" Meme!
Excellent post... great pictures, great information...
Great post. It has been a long time since I've visited Texas. You make me want to return!
Well,do you think we will be similar? I am sure a little, but this state IS big enough for both of Us :)I so look forward to seeing your perspective! This is fun:)
Thank you Troy and Martha for this informative post. That makes everything more interesting.
Thank you for improving my education - it needed it.
PS The didn't show until I pressed a small rectangle.
I love these images!
What a start - buffalo and antelope -great choices for your part of the USA.
Very interesting post! I like it! I would love to visite Texas one time:)
Great post. Very informative!!
Take care
I enjoyed visiting and reading about your part of the world - Texas. The pictures of the bison and antelope are beautiful (especially the baby bison)!
Your part of the world is rich in color and life!
This is very informative. Great job on this initial showing. I enjoyed your post.
Hi, how interesting and beautiful thing, I loved the geographic information.
Hugs from Brazil
Your photos depict Texas perfectly...a sunny day enjoyed not only you as a photographer but the animals as well! Of course I like your photos!
Have a nice time around there!
Great intro to a great state - thanks, and welcome to MY WORLD
Troy/Martha: Wonderful your number one today an the first day. I do love all you did to start to get to know Texas.
Great start, Troy and Martha, about a great state! My roots are there as well. Thanks for all the good stats. You're covering alot of territory there with the whole state. Thank you and looking forward to more of your always informative and beautiful posts.
I love the picture of the buffalo with it's baby. Great shot! Looking forward to this new adventure.
Very informative and wonderful photos of the buffalo and antelope.
Great shots and very interesting information. Great post.
I'm not quibbling, just happy with a second helping. Keep up the good work and plenty of nature photos will suit me just fine.
Great post, makes me miss home! Cute pictures too!
Very interesting post and beautiful shots of the wildlife.
Thank you so much for sharing your part of Texas. It is a beautiful state.
Don't know a whole lot about your State and look forward to seeing it up close and personal. You always have such lovely and interesting photos and posts.
Very interesting and informative on Texas. Not sure if my post for my world is
Thanks for the wonderful trip around your place. So very much different from my place but I do wanna share my place also to you. Great job.
Great post, very informative
Lots of interesting information! Loved the pictures.
Love these deer! And enjoyed the comments attached! Most interesting!
Hi folks,
See, I would get to your blog eventually : )
I enjoyed the post. My wife has family that live in Texas and I love going down to vist. Beautifull area and state...
Ah....Memories of watching brown New Mexico real estate zipping through the air at 60 miles per hour in Lubbock, Texas in the springtime...
One of the most informative posts I have ever read.Thanks for taking us to your home state.
Interesting information on Texas -- and I LOVE the photo...
I know I need to see more of Texas -- I know it's a beautiful place... I've driven across the panhandle, and I spent two months at Fort Bliss, near El Paso, which I'm guessing are probably not the prettiest parts of the state...
Definitely a real slice of your worls.
Beautiful post to start My World and exhaustive information on your world
Thanks Troy and Martha! I have never been to Texas, so anything you can show me is great! You know I love birds, so Texas Birds would be fine, and What's the big deal about Big Bend NP? Isn't that in Texas? I bet you could enlighten me! What other National and State parks do you have as well as wildlife refuges? I liked reading the information about your state.
Love that baby bison.
Wow you were very informative! great pix. It is going to be fun checking into all these places!
Thanks for stopping by and glad I could reawaken your memories of MT.
Oh, I'm so excited to start seeing more Texas info and photos on your blog!!!!!! Woot!
Someone around here raises bufferloes too, but I haven't seen a calf yet. They're simultaneously nasty and awesome creatures from what little I've seen of them so far.
Texas, yea! Bring it on!
Great post, I plan on playing but wanted to see what kind of things others were doing before I decide on a post
Beautiful World and its Nature.
Way to spread the word about the great Lone Star State! I love your blog (I've been lurking and reading for some time now), and I really like the "Intro to Texas 101" you've posted as the very first MyWorld meme entry.
Down here in the Houston area, we see a lot fewer buffalo. I look forward to seeing more about your neck o' the woods.
Your Photos are awesome, esp the calf with its MOM, always an awwwwwwww
Super information...
A good read to be sure
Ahh, the Lone Star State - Been 8 years since I was back in Texas - may be due for a trip
Awwh! Sweet baby bison! I love just about *anything* about Texas. I was born in Yorktown, TX back in the dark ages, and am proud to have Texas blood, even if I haven't lived anywhere within the state during the past half-century.
Since you asked, I would just love to see a photo of big field of bluebonnets!
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