June 20:
We spent the night at Johnson Crossing in the Yukon, Canada. We were about a week behind schedule (that is if you want to say that we had a schedule). The Johnson Crossing Lodge (historic Milepost 836) is one of the original lodges on the Alaska Highway and this business has been advertising in "The Milepost" every year since the first edition in 1949. The area is known for its wildlife - muskrat, porcupine, moose,eagles, wolves - also bugs and lots of rain.
Camping spot
We heard a Boreal Owl,
in the tree next to our camper
during the night.

in the tree next to our camper
during the night.
I bought my first Milepost in about 1952. It was then that I decided that I wanted to drive the "Alcan Highway" some day. It only took me 54 years before I realized my dream. It was well worth the wait. Little did I realize back in 1952 that I would be on the road 16 weeks roundtrip. Also little did I realize back then that I would be married and have 3 nice Nikon digital cameras instead of my little Kodak Brownie box camera. I am still going through the 18.000 photos that we kept and burned onto DVD's. I now use 2 "1 Terrabyte" cross-referenced external hard drives for photo storage. It's just about time to buy another.
Fast forward to
June 22:
We had been driving hard all day and we were heading for Tok, Alaska and our campsite for the night. We had heard that they had been closing the Border Crossing station at night. We finally crossed at 4:30 PM Alaska time and after another 30 minutes found a nice turnout to rest a little before the last leg of the day. The first Tundra Swan of the day was only a couple of miles after we crossed into Alaska. Whoo-hooo. Also just after crossing into Alaska our Navagation system changed screens. For the 5 weeks we were in Alaska, all it showed was the Latitude/Longitude and direction. That was OK, I had a box full of maps.
Tune in next week for further adventures.
Troy and Martha
Wonderful images! The scenery sure was promising - as was the Dragon!
A friend of mine from the UK came over and had a GPS glitch with his rental. It insisted no longer to be on the continental US. He made it back to the Hotel anyway. ;)
Cheers, Klaus
Wow! That "four things ahead" photo is spectacular! Super great... That's a print I would like on my wall, for sure...
By the way, Troy, I'm going to be buying the new 13 inch Epson 2880 printer next week. It has some slight improvements over the 2400, so I'm glad I waited... I'll finally be putting my RAW images to good use.
Hi Troy and Martha,
Another great travellog. That must have been quite an adventure. Great pictures for us to enjoy is an extra benefit. Glad you are so talented. Pappy
The Muddy Road photo is outstanding! Way to live your dream!!!
The dragonfly photo is tops too! Woot! There aren't too many bugs I can tolerate. Ladybugs and dragonflies are about it. How cool that it came and landed on one of you and posed so prettily for you!
Can't wait to see the rest of the photos!
Always love the images you capture!
Troy That valley and mountain image was super, very nicely captured.
More super photos. I loved the dragonfly. Aeschna can be so tough to identify all the way to species.
Wow, awesome shots, especially the "Four things ahead shot, wow.
Hello there Troy & Martha. Beautiful scenery and terrific photographs. I've got a few more places to hit tonight before I call it quits.
But, before I go...
Congratulations -- I have passed on the Arte Y Pico blog award to you. Your blog certainly deserves this award.
Looks like you continue to have a great trip!! Stunningly beautiful country you are traveling through, and of course, you have captured it well with your camera.
Wow. I'm simply stunned by your landscape shots. "Four Things Ahead" is amazing.
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